Thank you to our Friends and Community
We are so grateful for our friends and community who support the historic Daniels Farmstead. Whether you became a new member, visited us at one of our events or farmers markets, explored our new website, or volunteered in the garden or at Doris’s Kitchen, your support has made the world of difference for the future of the Daniels Farmstead.
In 2022 we managed an incredible year of projects including the restoration of the Corn Crib, Well House and Chicken Coup. The farmhouse windows were restored, and we added new storm windows. The farmhouse also received new roof shingles, with new leading around all chimneys. The Carriage House was updated with new concrete flooring. Two of the windows in the 1850 barn were restored. The east end of the Cider Mill received its final two coats of finish paint. Vegetation overgrowth was removed around many stone walls on the property. In the continuation of maintaining the farm organic garden, we added many new herbs, heirloom tomatoes and interesting vegetables. Thank you so much to all for these accomplishments.
In 2023 we hope to accomplish the following: Structural reinforcement of the 1850 post and beam barn, new wiring to the barn, carriage house and cider mill, new upgraded steam heat furnace for the farmhouse, and continuing project efforts to attain a functioning Cider Mill Press using the original reconditioned Model T Engine. These projects are not attainable without the continued support through donations, membership and volunteers.
The Daniels Farmstead is directed by an all-volunteer Board who have devoted hours of time to managing and working towards the continued success of the farmstead.
Mark Reil, President; Justine Brewer, Acting Treasurer; Cindy Lavoie, Clerk; Susan Gray, Secretary; Mary Bulso, Trustee; Belinda Blackford Mazur, Trustee; Ken Tubman, Trustee; Paul Larson, Trustee.
Thank you to all of the vendors, volunteers and docents that donated their time to make this season a success, we are fortunate for your continuous support. A special thank you to the past and present members of the Board of Directors; Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism and Senator Ryan Fattman; Jomi Contruction; M. Getchell Concrete; Tresca Brothers Concrete; UniBank; Southwick's Zoo; Galliford's Restaurant; Koopman Lumber; Massachusetts Cultural Council including the Blackstone, Mendon and Millville Cultural Councils. In addition, thank you to State Representative Mike Soter, the Town of Blackstone; Blackstone Parks and Recreation, the Mendon Boy Scouts of America; Joseph Podles; Chris Albrecht; Mike Mawn; Nor'East Roofers; The Enlightner Blackstone, The Town Crier, MyFm 101, Alex Mullaly

Our Mission
The Foundation's focus is to provide a place for people to gather, celebrate, and learn the values of a working farm and its traditions.
It is our purpose to protect and preserve the rich historically significant farm and buildings located on pristine New England soil, restore the farm to its former splendor, and operate a living museum where local historians, schools, and the general public can learn about the New England Farm life from the 18th and 19th centuries.

Our Vision
The Daniels Farmstead Foundation, Inc. was founded in 2003 with an all volunteer board of directors to preserve a unique historical resource that has survived the modern age in tact. This remarkable find is due to the efforts of Doris Daniels King and her family to preserve the Farm's history and legacy. The Daniels Farmstead Foundation is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization.