Extra Extra read all about it!
Beginning on Monday, March 22, residents of Blackstone are invited to “hide” Easter eggs at their homes or businesses for others to find. "Egg Hunter" will have until Sunday, April 4 to find all the eggs and vote for their favorite.
Participants wishing to participate in hiding an egg, received a large wooden egg from the Parks and Recreation Commission, which they decorated and placed in their yard or outside area at their business. Addresses will be included on a map of egg locations. Visit the Blackstone Parks and Recreation Facebook page Blackstone Parks and Recreation | Facebook for a full list locations and map availability.
Easter Egg-hunters will drive around to find eggs and take pictures with as many eggs as possible. Winners will be selected for the best decorated egg display and for the person who finds the most eggs.
Contact Parks and Recreation at BlackstonePandR@yahoo.com for more information.
The Daniels Farmstead is participating with a decorated egg hidden in the yard at the farm; 286 Mendon Street, Blackstone, MA. We ask that all those visiting please observe all signs / rules posted, thank you so much! Have fun exploring your community!